vittorio venuti (italy): senza fragore


Senza fragore


Senza fragore

tra la notte e l’alba

un angelo è caduto.


Adesso che zoppica

ed è scorticato il suo naso di madreperla

e negli occhi trascina secchi d’acqua

adesso è più bello

nel suo vestito

di piume maltrattato.




Vittorio Venuti

Psicologo e psicoterapeuta – Pittore e scrittore-  Autore di numerosi libri di narrativa e saggistica. Interessato alla mail art, ha organizzato eventi in Sicilia e in Piemonte. Sue opere si trovano in collezioni private in Italia e all’estero.


Barbara rotta (italy): Le foglie del tempo

Responding to Dylan Thomas's poem Forest Picture




Vitrea l’aria

sopraggiunge ai miei occhi,

trasporta la leggiadria

e bussa i suoi rintocchi.

Carezze di raggi di sole,

trasparenti e silenziosi,

margini di foglie

disegnano copiosi.

Fronde di arabeschi complicati

sono contorni soleggiati,

sbadiglianti al tramonto

di una sera isolata,

in una foresta abbarbicata

tra i pensieri

di oggi e di ieri.


 Nota dell'autore:  Ho cercato di vedere con gli occhi del poeta la bellezza delle foglie in controluce e il disegno delle fronde degli alberi, che come contorno di cattedrali e di cupole si staglia nel cielo al tramonto.



Barbara Rotta, artista, storica dell’arte, ha collaborato con numerose Gallerie d’arte e Associazioni culturali piemontesi, con artisti emergenti ed affermati, quali Mauro Chessa, Francesco Preverino, Francesco Casorati. I suoi studi e scritti sono pubblicati su cataloghi e riviste d’arte. Ha scritto Il colore dell’inganno per Yumebook. Docente in Lettere e Storia dell’arte continua il suo cammino di ricerca e scrittura di poesie e di romanzi all’insegna della sua passione per l’arte.

Richard Doiron (canada): Responding to Dylan Thomas' quote

"And now, gentlemen, like your manners,
I must leave you."
-Dylan Thomas
Ah, but there's the rub: I shall take my leave
but not be gone; for, you see, I shall be noted
in the words you write, the memories you hold,
the whiskeys you imbibe, the lies you tell
yourself during such times as sleep fails you,
else is as disturbing as a mule's kick when you
turn your back on it, careless, or when you
would deny me, or even yourself, opting for
a Judas kiss and/or a Peter's denial: beware,
I say, beware, for life has its deep, dark secrets,
along with its playful moods, and perchance
you find yourself trapped in your transgressions,
remember who caused the pain and who
has the last laugh. No, do not fancy yourself
on par with the man in the gutter, lest you, of all
people, should have revelled in his soliloquies,
not just along for the ride, but mounted on
a bucking steed, not afraid to taste life, one
hand gripping its mane, the other hand made
into a fist and shaking it at heaven itself,
if but for the hell of it!
-Richard Doiron ©
Richard Doiron -  (New Brunswick, Canada)

published 57 years; winner of numerous literary awards, author of tens of thousands of poems , an estimated 1000 published round the world.

PEDRO LICONA (COLOMBIA): Dos parafrasis para el homenaje a Dylan Thomas

Dos parafrasis para el homenaje a Dylan Thomas


1.      Dama de los ojos tristes de las tierras bajas.


No hay medallón para un ladrón

Pero vuelvo a los recuerdos

Ahora que la libertad doblada en tu falda

Traspasa los barrotes de la verja

Escrita en tus ojos tristes

Escrita en las equivocaciones deletreadas por

Angeles muertos.

Dama de las tierras bajas

He aquí un medallón para la adulación

Y el convencimiento.

He aquí los pasos marcados de la equivocación

Y el compromiso.


2.      Hace mucho tiempo, muy lejos


Un buen día los mendigos pidieron armas para la guerra

Sus corazones agachados dispararon una y otra vez

Hasta fabricar un océano de sangre,

Otra verdad.

En otros días se atropellaron en el recuerdo:

El uno estimulado por el dinero

El otro por la necesidad

Porque no había nada qué comer.

La muerte volvió a ganar el pleito,

Al azar

Guiada por un tropel de gendarmes ciegos

Colgados de una mala razón

En el mástil de una cruz;

Hace tiempo muy lejos.



Pedro Licona.

Pedro Licona  nació en Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. Es poeta, novelista, cuentista y editor. Estudió Filología e Idiomas y Topografía.  Libros de poemas publicados: Viaje a pie al Akasha, 1991; Pasos universales, 1992; Desfabulando un peregrino, 1993; El camino de Khem o la síntesis alquímica, 1995; Canción de los indigentes, 2003; Mensajeros del tiempo, 2005; Receta para llamar el amor, 2006; El toque del tiempo, 2009; Cuarto creciente, 2010; Danza del celo en París, 2012; Alma serrana, 2014; En otra calle, 2016. Novelas publicadas: 7 y 45, 2007; Samba palo, 2011; Tiempo de gracias, 2014. Libros de cuentos publicados: Lámparas de mi tierra, 1983 y Campeón de sueños, 1984.


 Went gently


Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay

Dylan Thomas


The sailor with a head full of fire

dancing on Mumbles pier and scaling heights.

So fragile now, man of stick in linen.

I tease you, want to make you mad

want to see you double up

with foolish hoots,

but you are raging and I do not know.


Raging, raging like a red dwarf.

Oh my father you have given me

the hardest task.

To stop blazing a blessing is required,

I have to tell my mother to let you go.


And so an Indian Summer’s kiss gently

opens your eyes for a last smile,

as you pass to me a duty

to protect your wife.

And she now living fire

burns burns like flaming June.



Dominic Williams lectures in the Faculty of Humanities and Performing Arts at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He is also is a poet, a performer and creative writing mentor. Since 2014 he has been the programme co-director of the international Dylan Thomas Summer School in west Wales. He is a poetry editor who has worked with poets translating work from Bengali, Turkish, Serbian and Swedish.