RAFA BOCERO (SPAIN): Do not go gentle

Rafa Bocero performs his Spanish version of the Dylan Thomas poem Do Not Go Gentle at the Dylan Thomas Birthplace in Swansea Video by Annie Bennet.



Cantautor y productor formado en estudios de Filosofía Pura.

Recorre diferentes comarcas poéticas y musicales de culturas propias y ajenas sin dejar nunca de ser él mismo,

como evidencian sus proyectos Troubadour Songs y FemeXicanaS donde ha puesto música a lo mejor de la poesía en inglés y mexicana y en esta última en su ámbito femenino.
O el proyecto internacional Fado Is World Music donde adapta al español Fados clásicos...

En 1995 realizó su primer concierto  y en 2006 hizo su debut discográfico con el álbum “Esencia”, gracias al apoyo de su padrino, el legendario guitarrista Vicente Amigo.




KAMRY VISIONARY - Mwelwa Ramon Kamry - (ZAMBIA) : G.H.O.S.T

Responding to Dylan Thomas' CLOWN IN THE MOON

Mwelwa Ramon Kamry (Zambia) is 

Rap Artist presso GOOD Music and Roc Nation.

Founder and Writer presso POETIC MWELWA.

Rap Artist/Producer presso Def Jam Records.




Lynn porter (UK): sunset prayer from "under milkwood"

Rev. Eli Jenkins' Prayer

Music, vocals, guitar and melodica, Lynn Porter. The harmonica and mandolin are played by Larry Warren.


Lynn Porter: Centre & Subject Moderator Specialist in Sciences at Gateway Qualifications.

Higher Education Tutor Coordinator and Sciences Tutor for Adult Education.

Councillor at Fishguard and Goodwick Town Council.

Robert Lloyd (australia): Do not go gentle into that good night

Robert Lloyd is an Australian composer/poet. He has written for concert and dance since 1980. Besides international's touring he is currently writing a book of autobiographical stories and working on an album of new songs. The film "Ballad of Changing Man" - now on Youtube shows Roberts career up to three years ago.

Robert Lloyd performs 'This Present Moment' in the Dylan Thomas' Boathouse

Brigyn (WALES - UK): Paid a Mynd i'r Nos Heb Ofyn Pam


The words are translated into the Welsh language by poet "T. James Jones".

Brigyn are a Welsh music act from North Wales, consisting of the brothers Eurig and Ynyr Roberts. The brothers formed Brigyn in November 2004 with the release of their eponymous debut album. To date, Brigyn have released 7 albums, a host of singles and are considered amongst, not only as one of the most prolific group singing in the Welsh Language, but also the "nicest boys in music".

( source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigyn )



Enceladus - Bob Rocket (italy)

Courtesy of Ermanno Capirone

"How time has ticked a heaven round the stars"

Dylan Thomas

Un viaggio quasi ai confini del sistema solare, sulla luna ghiacciata di Saturno, Encelado. Un satellite composto da uno strato di ghiaccio ed un mare in pressione sotto ad esso, da cui vengono sparate enormi quantità d'acqua e amminoacidi, per mezzo di Geyser, direttamente nel vuoto cosmico. Una volta raggiunta la luna di Saturno entriamo in un mondo onirico e di immaginazione. Purtroppo non siamo ancora in grado di viaggiare personalmente fino a la, ma sicuramente la fantasia ci permette di andare ovunque. Un salto nell'iperspazio e via, verso nuovi confini, della mente e del cosmo e chissà, che non siano entrambe la stessa cosa.



Musica di Bob Rocket

Voce dell'astrofisico Prof. Amedeo Balbi

Produzione artistica di Ale Bavo

Video: Creato da Gabriele Pastè 3D Generalist

Mixato da Ale Bavo

Masterizzato da Giovanni “Meniak” Nebbia, Ithil World Mastering, Imperia

Etichetta: ℗ & © Sounzone 2021


Ufficio stampa: Astarte, Camilla Caldarola


Distribuito da Artist First (A1 Entertainment S.p.A.)